3 min read

Winter camping in the Nevada desert

Winter camping in the Nevada desert
Boondocked outside Lake Mead, Nov 2

Greetings Galacticans!

I just spent the entire last year roaming  around Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, and Oregon. I spent the coldest part of last winter in Idaho. I have been wanting to do the snowbird thing and this year the opportunity presented itself so I had to jump at the chance.

Boondocking near Lake Mead Recreational Area

Lake Mead Recreational Area provides for seemingly endless camping options and depending on how agile your vehicle is you can obtain some very private locations. Many areas allow for 14 days before you need to move one. Cell signal can vary depending on location which is why I implement a 3 way redundant strategy to maintain communications aboard the Landship Galactica. (2 Cell phone networks and Starlink as backup).

Valley of Fire State Park


Things of note

There are cows and burrows that pasture out here. Occasionally you'll (or hear) evidence of them. More than once I was surprised to hear burro noises off in the distance which was a nice touch.

Sunsets and the golden hour are epic around these parts. I try to take a moment to stop and appreciate the occasional sunset when camped at locations like these.

Winter camping in the Nevada Desert is an adventure like no other. The desolate landscapes and the harsh conditions of the desert can be intimidating, but with the proper preparation, it can be a truly rewarding experience.

As you venture into the heart of the Nevada Desert, you will be greeted by the raw beauty of nature. The barren landscapes and the vast open skies are unlike anything you have ever seen. The silence is deafening, and the stillness of the air is both calming and invigorating.

When it comes to camping in the Nevada Desert during the winter, it's essential to be well-prepared. The temperature can drop dramatically at night, and the wind can be unforgiving. To ensure a successful winter camping trip, make sure you have the proper gear, including a warm sleeping bag, a sturdy tent, and adequate clothing to keep you warm.

In addition to proper gear, it's also important to have the right mindset. The Nevada Desert can be a challenging environment, and it requires a certain level of self-sufficiency and resilience. But if you are willing to embrace the challenge, the reward is a sense of accomplishment and a deep connection to the land.

As you gaze upon the star-filled skies and take in the breathtaking views of the Nevada Desert, you will come to appreciate the beauty of this rugged landscape. The experience of winter camping in the Nevada Desert is something you will never forget and will leave you with memories to last a lifetime.

So pack your gear, gather your courage, and join me on this unforgettable adventure in the heart of the Nevada Desert.

May the heavens always guide us,

Commander Eyre, of the Landship Galactica.

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